Mountain Property Care

Building relationships from the ground up

Our Mission


Providing Expert Lawn Care

We strive to provide the highest quality service with a commitment to safety and customer satisfaction.


Weed Control


Leaf and debris removal

Our services


Others just mow in circles because they are focused on one thing “Lawns per day”. At Mountain Property Care we take the time to give your property that classic striped or checker board look that makes your property look its best.

Weed Control

Weeds never give up, and neither do we! Mountain Property Care offers weed control by careful application of herbicides.


Your plant beds will be healthier and look great with the periodic application of some mulch. Mountain Property Care will expertly apply mulch where needed to keep your plant beds looking great.

Leaf Removal

Fall is a party of color in the Mountains of North Carolina. However, once the party is over, someone is going to have to clean up the mess. Mountain Property Care’s vacuum equipment can quickly remove all the debris and have your property looking great again.

Our Projects

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Our customers

John Doe

John Doe


Aliquam in massa luctus, efficitur justo vitae, feugiat elit. Suspendisse potenti. Integer feugiat et metus sit amet molestie.

Jenny Andersson

Jenny Andersson

Graphic designer

Aliquam in massa luctus, efficitur justo vitae, feugiat elit. Suspendisse potenti. Integer feugiat et metus sit amet molestie.

George Smith

George Smith


Aliquam in massa luctus, efficitur justo vitae, feugiat elit. Suspendisse potenti. Integer feugiat et metus sit amet molestie.

Our Family

The Fouts Family Scaled E1688214064409

About us

Cadon and Erika Fouts have three beautiful children, Marshal, “Ella”, and Peyton. Cadon is a native of Macon County, NC. They currently live in the Burningtown community. Cadon and Erika have built their business on the family tradition of caring for their neighbors.

Request a Free Quote Today

(828) 634-1361